Corn Mazes Far From Corny
October 11, 2017
Count Down To Season’s Greetings
October 16, 2017A Dose Of Pumpkin

There is nothing quite as synonymous with fall as pumpkins. From pumpkin spice drinks and flavored foods to pumpkin pie and not mention jack-o-lanterns can it really be fall until you get your dose of pumpkin for the season?
Did you know there are several locations in Carroll County where you can pick your own pumpkins?
*Baugher’s Orchard and Farm Market http://www.baughers.com/baughers_fall_harvest_festival.php
*Local Homestead Products LLC http://www.lhp.farm/pumpkin-patch.html
*Cornfusion at Showvacker’s Quality Evergreens http://www.cornfusion.net/
*Bupperts Dorans Chance Farm http://www.visitcharlenefarm.com/pumpkin-patch
*Sewell’s Farm https://www.sewellsfarm.com/
Not interested in picking the pumpkins but still want to buy one from a local farm? Please visit the following farms or farm markets where already harvested pumpkins are all ready to go home with you:
*Baugher’s Orchard and Farm Market
*Baugher’s Restaurant and Farm Market
*Local Homestead Products LLC
*Showvacker’s Quality Evergreens
*Sewell’s Farm
*Carroll County Farm Fresh http://www.carrollcountyfarmfresh.com/
*Buppert’s Doran’s Chance Farm
*Knill’s Farm Market https://www.facebook.com/Knillsfarmmarket/?ref=br_rs
*Brothers Valley Farm https://www.facebook.com/Brothersvalleyfarm/