April Showers Bring May Vegetables
April 6, 2016
Talking Weeds: Wild Mustard
May 6, 2016Farmyard Friends at the Farm Museum

Stop by and visit the Farmyard Friends at the Carroll County Farm Museum. Hazel and Sage the goats and Clover and Daisy the lambs will be glad to see your smiling faces! Jack and Jim, our Devon Oxen, are back at the Farm Museum also and can be found in the pasture by the Hoff Barn. Be sure to stop into the Main Office if you have any questions. Soon peacocks, turkeys, a bunny, chickens, and pigs will also be part of the Farmyard Friends.
While you are at the Museum why not sign up for or mark your calendar for any of these 2016 events:
April 30: Civil War “School of the Soldier” (for children/registration required)
May 7 & 8: Living History Civil War Reenactment
May 13 & 14: Spring Garden Tea Party (reservations required)
May 21 & 22: Blacksmith Days
June 11: Deer Creek Fiddlers Convention
July 4: Fourth of July Celebration
July 9 & 10 Common Ground on the Hill Music & Arts Festival
July 11 – 15 Living History Camp (3rd Grade)
July 18 – 22 Living History Camp (4th Grade)
July 25 – 29 Living History Camp (5th Grade)
July 21 – 23 Stars & Stripes Tea (reservations required)
September 17 & 18 the Maryland Wine Festival®
October 15 & 16 Fall Harvest Days
For more information and for a full list of Farm Museum activities visit: www.carrollcountyfarmmuseum.org.