Destination Farmers’ Market
August 14, 2015
Patience and Humor: Key to Business and Life
September 30, 2015Fall/Winter Ag Recertifications & Trainings

Crisp mornings, shorter days, and changing leaves are signaling the beginning of fall in Carroll County. While the rest of the world is snuggling in sweaters with pumpkin-flavored beverages the world of agriculture is ramping up for the busiest time of the year: harvest.
Don’t get so busy during harvest time that you forget to mark your calendars for the many important Fall/Winter meeting dates coming this year. Registration is required for the majority so do not let the deadlines pass. Make sure your certifications remain up to date.
The following is a list of fall/winter meetings and certifications for out areas. You can contact University of Maryland Extension, Carroll County with any additional questions: 410-386-2760.
November 5−Private Pesticide Applicator Test Training-6 to 8 pm, Room B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
November 12−Private Pesticide Applicator Test-6 to 8 pm, Room B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
November 18−Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification-6 to 8 pm, Rooms A & B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
November 24−Nutrient Management Voucher Training-6 to 8 pm, Rooms A & B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
December 2−Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification/Finch Services Sprayer Clinic-10 to 2pm, Burns Hall, 706 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760. Be sure to register with Finch as well.
December 15 −Northern MD Field Crop Day-9 to 3:30 pm, Friendly Farms, 17434 Foreston Rd, Upperco, MD, Cost is $15 ahead of time or $25 at the door and you can call to register at 410-771-1761 or email eblake@umd.edu
January 7−Nutrient Management Voucher Training-6 to 8 pm, Rooms A & B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
January 29−Central MD Vegetable Growers’ Meeting-8 to 3:30 pm, Friendly Farms, 17434 Foreston Rd, Upperco, MD. Cost is $15 per person in advance, $25 at the door and you can call to register at 410-771-1761 or email eblake@umd.edu
February 5−Carroll County Mid-Winter Farm Meeting– 10 to 2 pm, Burns Hall, 706 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
February 25−Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification-6 to 8 pm, Rooms A & B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.
March 1−Nutrient Management Voucher Training-6 to 8 pm, Rooms A & B, Carroll County Extension Office, 700 Agriculture Center, Westminster MD, Must call to register at 410-386-2760.