Nominate Your Farm/Agribusiness for Carroll’s Best
June 12, 2024
Carroll County Commissioners Oppose MPRP
July 16, 2024
Nominate Your Farm/Agribusiness for Carroll’s Best
June 12, 2024
Carroll County Commissioners Oppose MPRP
July 16, 2024

PPE for MD Dairy Workers

The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is reaching out to offer a one-time supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) to dairy workers in Maryland who don’t already have the PPE available. The Maryland Department of Agriculture is contacting dairy industry partners to assist us in providing this notice to their dairy workers.

Increasing access to PPE is intended to help people who work with animals to reduce their risk of infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which is currently causing an outbreak among dairy cattle. The CDC believes the current risk to the public from these viruses is low; at the same time, people who have job-related exposures to infected animals, including lactating dairy cattle, may be at increased risk of infection.

Recommendations for worker protection and use of PPE for people working with confirmed or potentially infected animals, materials, or surfaces are available here.

• The recommended PPE to reduce the risk of exposure includes:

1. Fluid-resistant coveralls

2. Waterproof apron, if needed for a job task

3. NIOSH Approved® Respirator (e.g., N95® filtering facepiece respirator)

4. Properly- fitted unvented or indirectly vented safety goggles or face shield

5. Headcover or hair cover

6. Gloves

7. Boots

• Information is still limited about ways in which the HPAI virus can spread from cows to humans, as only a few human cases have been identified to date. Recommendations for workers may be updated as the CDC learns more during this evolving situation.

• There are considerations around heat illness, vision, and use of respirators that employers and workers should be aware of. For more information see CDC’s updated interim guidance.

How to Obtain PPE If your facility does not have sufficient amounts of the PPE listed above, requests for additional PPE should be made through this form for routing to the Maryland Department of Health by June 30, 2024. Additional questions regarding this notice can be directed to or

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