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January 22, 2024
MDA Farmers Market Conference
February 5, 2024MARBIDCO Maryland-Value Added Producer Matching Grant USDA Open

Maryland Value-Added Producer Matching Grant
(MVAPMG – USDA Option)
The USDA Value-Added Producer Grant Program, is offered annually and requires a non-federal financial matching commitment and each application for the MVAPMG must include a “verification of matching funds.” To incentivize Maryland farmers to apply and to increase their competitiveness in the application process, MARBIDCO offers a grant of up to 15% of the USDA matching requirement. To be eligible to apply to MARBIDCO for funding, an applicant must also be eligible under the USDA VAPG Program, and funds will only be awarded to those who actually receive the USDA VAPG award. To apply to the USDA VAPG program, click here, and to read the definition of value added as defined by USDA, click here. Each applicant that has been approved to receive a MVAPMG will receive a letter for submission to USDA that contains how much matching funding will be available to the applicant.
Maximum Grant Amount: $11,250 for Planning Grants and $25,000 for Working Capital Grants. Electronic deadline is April 1, 2024, with paper/postmarked applications due March 29, 2024.
For more info visit: https://www.marbidco.org/