Briar Ridge Farm
August 14, 2015
Knill’s Farm Market
August 14, 2015
Evermore Farm
150 Rockland Road, Westminster
Evermore Farm is a small, family owned and operated livestock and seasonal produce farm. Stop by our on-farm market store (meat sold year round) and enjoy products such as: pasture-raised heritage beef products (steak, burger, brisket, hotdogs, short ribs, etc.), Berkshire pork products (ribs, ham, pork chops, roast, sausage, brats, etc.) and farm fresh eggs. They’ve also parties with other local producers to bring you pantry items such as: cheese, ice cream, local honey, butter, jarred items and more. Thanksgiving turkeys are available seasonally. CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares also available. Bulk meat ordering also available.
Learn more at: www.evermorefarm.com
Or visit us on Facebook!
443-398-6548, ginger@evermorefarm.com