Winter Farmers Market @ Downtown Westminster
February 2, 2022![](https://carrollgrown.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/RWB-ribbon-2-scaled.jpg)
CC Veterans Celebration
March 7, 2022Invasive Species Alert
The spotted lanternfly, a plant hopper insect native to China, India, and Vietnam, has been found in the USA beginning in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has been found to have spread (with confirmed populations) in Delaware, New Jersey and Virginia.
The spotted lanternfly is known for feeding on a wide range of plants including: grapes, apples, basil, blueberry, plum, peaches, almond, cherry, cucumber, hops, maple and more! The way the spotted lanternfly feeds damages the plants causing stunted growth, reduced yields and may kill the plant. This insect has the potential to devastate Maryland’s vineyards, orchards and nurseries.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture is requesting everyone’s help is helping to stop the spread of this invasive species. The first step is if you see a spotted lanternfly: snap a photo, squash the bug and report it to mda.maryland.gov/spottedlanternfly.
Secondly, simply inspecting vehicles, trailers, campers, recreational/camping items, outdoor furniture, outdoor building materials, outdoor household items, yard/garden items, and children’s outdoor playthings for spotted lanternfly egg mases or insects before you move them. Please squash and report any insects found.
For a full checklist of items to check for insects please click here!
Third, if you find any infested trees on your property contact the UMD Home & Garden Information Center for the most current information on insecticidal options.
For more information please visit the MDA website by clicking here.
To view the University of Maryland educational mini video click here.