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January 9, 2023
2023 Downtown Westminster Farmers Market Schedule
January 18, 2023Early Bird Market Dates

Already dreaming of spring and summer? Yeah, us too. But we aren’t the only ones because guess who has their 2023 dates already available *drum roll* …………… the Mount Airy Farmers Market!
Save the dates, mark your calendars and start your summer planning around this market’s dates for 2023. The Mt. Airy Farmers Market will be held on Wednesday from 3pm to 7pm starting June 7 through September 27. And there will be a special pre-season garden held on May 31! This market is located at The Railyard at 3 North Main Street in downtown Mt. Airy.
For more information please visit: https://www.mountairymainstreetfarmersmarket.org/