2022 Farmers Market Dates
April 8, 2022
Dairy Farmer to Florist
May 2, 2022Avian Influenza Update II

In March 2022, the first cases of Avian Influenza were determined to be found on a Kent County, Delaware Farm. Since these first initial cases, Avian Influenza has been detected in 28 states including: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and New Jersey, and Maryland which has resulted in the destruction of contaminated flocks within these states. Nationwide over 31 million birds have been affected including both commercial and backyard flocks. Influenza has also been detected in wild bird populations.
As of April 25, 2022, the state of Maryland has enacted the following amendments to the transportation, sale and exhibition of poultry in the state: (to view the full Secretary Order online click here)
A person may not operate a Poultry Auction Market, Other Market (non-slaughter),
or Exhibition where poultry are displayed, sold, exchanged, commingled, or otherwise held
for such purpose until August 1, 2022.
(2) A person may continue to operate a Live Bird Market where poultry are sold for
on-site slaughter and otherwise sell poultry or hatching eggs that:
(i)Are derived immediately from flocks and hatcheries participating in the NPIP or
equivalent program; and
(ii) Are not and have not been commingled with poultry from other flocks.
C.Requirements for Operating a Poultry Auction Market, Live Bird Market, and Live Bird
Sales (Non-slaughter).
(1) A person who operates a Poultry Auction Market, Live Bird Market or Other
Market (non- slaughter) located in Maryland shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Register the poultry market premises under the Maryland Poultry Registration
(b) Provide advance written notice to the Department of its operations, stating the
name of the market operator, the address of the event, its inclusive dates, and hours, as
(i) For Poultry Auction Markets: Excepting auction markets that already have
provided notice of its operations pursuant to the USDA approval process for auction markets,
at least 60 days before its occurrence;
(ii) For Other Markets (non-slaughter): At least 60 days before its occurrence; and
(iii) For Live Bird Markets: At least 120 days before its occurrence.
(c) Except as provided by the Secretary, each market operator shall obtain an annual
license from the Secretary, which shall remain effective until the following June 30th,
unless suspended or revoked.
(d) For the period of time specified in paragraph (e) immediately below, keep the
following records, as applicable, for each sale or purchase of poultry:
(i) The name, address, and phone number of the buyer and seller;
(ii) The quantity, type, and species of poultry bought and sold;
(iii) Official identification if applied; and
(iv) The date of the transaction;
(e) Maintain the records noted in paragraph (d) immediately above for one year from
the date of each transaction, excepting however, auction markets and live bird markets,
which shall maintain these records for three years from the date of each transaction;
(f) Allow the Department to have access to and copy any required records;
(2) The Secretary may order diagnostic testing, surveillance testing, quarantine,
sell-down, depopulation, market closure, cleaning, disinfection, virus elimination or other
actions, deemed necessary to control the introduction and spread of Avian Influenza or other
contagious or infectious diseases at an auction market, live bird market, or at live bird sales
D. Duration. This Order takes effect immediately and shall be effective through January
25, 2023, unless the danger of additional disease has passed, and it is revoked earlier by the
Secretary of Agriculture.
E. Violations. A person who violates this Order is subject to criminal and administrative
penalties as provided under Maryland state law. In addition, the Secretary of Agriculture
may impose a quarantine order on any poultry, hatching eggs, eggs or nest-run eggs found
in this State in violation of this Order.
F. Contact Person. If a person affected by this Order has questions, the person may
contact the Office of the State Veterinarian at (410) 841-5810.