Registration Open for MD Farmers Market Conference
February 11, 2025
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
February 25, 2025
Registration Open for MD Farmers Market Conference
February 11, 2025
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
February 25, 2025

2025 Maryland Dairy Shrine Guests of Honor

Congratulations to Michael and Anita Haines of Locust-Ayr Farm (Taneytown, MD) on their induction to the 2025 Maryland Dairy Shrine Guests of Honor. Below is a copy of their bio from the Maryland Dairy Shrine webpage. Please see below to learn more about the Haines’ contributions to the Maryland Dairy industry!


Michael & Anita Haines
Contemporary 2025

Michael and Anita Haines of Locust-Ayr Farm, Taneytown, Md., are
to be inducted as 2025 Maryland Dairy Shrine Guests of Honor.
What was once predominantly an Ayrshire herd, started in 1958 by
Mike’s parents, Ray and Viola, Mike had a vision to transform the
herd to registered Holsteins, incorporating them in 1968, having seen
the marketability value of Holstein genetics. Mike’s eye for dairy
cattle developed from fitting for sales and shows with his friend,
Gary Derr. In 1976, Mike developed a working partnership with his
friend and established cattle under the prefix Roseabond Holsteins. Together, they bred several
animals that garnered local and state recognition, even breeding an animal that was Nominated
Junior All American. Many of the offspring became foundation families for Locust-Ayr (Haines)
and Derrwyn Farm (Derr).

In 1979, Mike and Anita were married, and the couple went into partnership with his parents in
1986. During this partnership the couple became members of Genuine Genetics, a bull proving
syndicate developed by a group of Maryland breeders. The syndicate purchased and proved
many bulls, the most notable was a Valiant calf from Curtis Day. Tri-Day Valiant Gold, out of
EX-90, Kingstead Rorae Pollyana, was leased to ABS becoming the No. 1 TPI proven sire in
1985. His genetic trait summary was strong, and his daughters classified high, most notably in
style and conformation. The success of Gold brought notoriety to the farm as the first daughters
of the sire were in high demand.

Merchandising was an important part of the operation including the sale of many animals and
exportation of embryos and cattle to several international parties. This success, combined with
the syndicate’s success gave Mike and Anita the ability to purchase his parents’ half of the
partnership in 1993, and later his uncle’s farm in 2005.

The Carroll County farm currently consists of 500 acres for crops for cattle and grain sales
(soybeans, hay, barley and corn). In addition to supporting Mike in the general management of
the farm, Anita worked full-time as an LPN with Wellspan Health until her retirement in 2023.
The pair continued farming and raised two sons, while also serving their community in various
agricultural endeavors. Mike served on the Carroll County Calf Sale selection committee under
Marlin Hoff for two years until consuming the sale with Gary Derr and running the sale for the
next 25 years.

Mike has also served on the Carroll County Fair Board for 50 years, and as the dairy
superintendent for five of those years. Roles within the Maryland Holstein Association included bylaws chairman, two-time Board member, show and sale committee seats. Mike was also
president of the Carroll County Holstein Club and held a seat on the Maryland Milk Advisory
Board for 16 years. His dedication to the industry continued with service on the Carroll County
Land Preservation Board for 12 years, and membership in the Maryland Jersey Cattle Club.

Anita also served as a Carroll County Fair dairy superintendent. She has been active with youth
programs, judging record books and participating in fundraising roles for the county Holstein and
Maryland Holstein Associations. She is also active in her church, and they both volunteer for the
local fire department as Mike is a life member for his 50 years of duties with the Alpha Fire
Company in Littlestown, Pa. As current 26-year members of the Maryland & Virginia Milk
Producers’ Cooperative Association, they were also previously honored for 25 years of shipping
to Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc, and Dairymen, Inc, in 1993.

Mike and Anita have also been honored with the Maryland Holstein Association’s Outstanding
Young Breeder award in 1986, and the Outstanding Senior Breeder award in 2006. Locust-Ayr
Farm has been the foundation for high quality cattle and All-Maryland winners like Farmshine
cover girl, EX-91, Locust-Ayr Pacer Katrina. Gold daughters once graced the Holstein World
cover, Locust-Ayr Gold Sybil, Locust-Ayr Gold Sirta, and Roseabond Gold Susie. They also sold

a sale topper at the Maryland Holstein State Sale in 2010 for $29,000, Locust-Ayr C Mercy P-
Red, the highest Red-polled genomic heifer at the time. Other notable cattle were Locust-Ayr Factor Honda-Red, EX-90, who’s dam was purchased at the National R&W Convention sale in
Gettysburg, Pa. Locust-Ayr Stardust Lila, EX-93, was honored as supreme champion at the
Carroll County Fair as a 4-year-old. Noted for conformation, these cattle also elevated in milk
production. The farm is still home to Locust-Ayr Dorcy Alien, EX-94, producing 300,000M, and
has three Excellent daughters on the farm to date.

Jerseys were incorporated into the herd in 1997 after neighbors, Wayne and Allen Stiles talked
Mike into buying each of his sons a Jersey. Locust-Ayr Farm has developed various Jersey
national, state and county show winners and foundation cows, including the herd’s highest
scored cow, Locust-Ayr Tequila Rosie, EX-95, and Locust-Ayr Deluxe Hawaii. Hawaii was
Locust-Ayr Farm’s only All American in any breed.

Mike and Anita have passed the traditions of the dairy industry to the next generation with their
son, Brett and his wife, Andrea, and grandson, Riley. Their youngest son, Ryan manages the farm
and has developed the Jersey herd. Multiple nieces and nephews have also carried on their
farming legacy.