The Equiery Photo Contest Open
June 15, 2020
Carroll Rebound Coronavirus Relief Grants Open 6/24
June 22, 20202020 Farmers Market Updates

Due to COVID-19 and concerns for public health and safety our local farmers markets are working hard to develop plans that provide access to fresh, local foods with an emphasis on public health and safety. For this reason many markets are implementing social distancing, sanitation and shopping procedural changes to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Detailed below is a summary of market changes available at this time.
Please remember to be mindful of the markets’ new shopping procedures, as well as, any state or federally mandated social distancing requirements. Contact information for each market and their websites have provided in the event of additional questions or concerns. For more information please visit the website of the market that you are interested in patronizing.
As the COVID-19 situation remains fluid please note that additional changes may occur throughout the market season.
Mount Airy Main Street Farmers Market
3 North Main Street, Mount Airy
June 3 – September 30
3 p.m. – 7 p.m. Wednesdays
COVID-19 Procedures:
-Opening day postponed to June 3, 2020
-Preorders are strongly suggested
-Curbside pickup available for preorders
-Vendors, patrons and staff are required to wear face coverings
-A no-touch policy will be in place meaning that vendors will bag/package all purchases with gloves
-Vendors, staff and patrons are required to practice social distancing procedures
-Multiple hand washing stations will be available throughout the market
-Hand sanitizer will be available all vendors spaces
-Market occupancy will be limited to 10 patrons per side of market (market has two sides)
To view the Mt Airy Main Street Farmers Market webpage dedicated to vendor and customer COVID-19 safety please click here.
Taneytown Farmers Market
Thunderhead Bowl & Grill, 4337 Old Taneytown Road, Taneytown
June 6 – TBD
8a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays
Contact Tim Baumgardner: 410-756-2820
COVID-19 Procedures:
Due to COVID-19 concerns the opening date of the Taneytown Farmers Market has been postponed until June 6 and the location has changed to the Thunderhead Bowl & Grill lot. And end date has not been established at this time.
-All state/county mandated social distancing & health department sanitation policies must be followed at all times
Sykesville Farmers Market
Located along Baldwin Drive Vendor booths will be spread through downtown Sykesville
June 21 – October 25
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays
Contact: sykesvillefarmersmarket@gmail.com
COVID-19 Procedures:
-Opening day has been postponed until June 21, 2020
-Location has changed: vendors will be spread throughout downtown Sykesville
-All state & health department & MDA mandated social distancing & hygiene protocols must be followed at all times
-Please maintain social distancing and utilize hand washing or hand sanitation
Hampstead Farmers Market
Hampstead Volunteer Fire Department Carnival Grounds
1341 North Main Street, Hampstead
June 6 – September 26
8:30 a.m. to Noon Saturdays
COVID-19 Procedures:
-Preorder & prepayment encouraged (list of participating vendors available on website)
-Special State mandated hygiene protocols must be followed when picking up orders:
-No pets permitted at the market until further notice
-Face masks must be worn when picking up orders
-Maintain 6-foot distancing rule
-Limit the number of people attending pick (1 is preferable) and limit socialization
-Please no groups at pickup
-Walk-ins are now welcome
-Vendors may have additional health & safety requests. The Hampstead Farmers Market asks that you please be respectful of these requests as well
To view the Hampstead Farmers Market webpage dedicated to vendor and customer COVID-19 safety please click here.
Downtown Westminster Farmers Market
Conway Parking Lot at Railroad Ave. (Route 27)
Adjacent to Main Street, Westminster 21157
May 16 – November 21
8 a.m. to Noon Saturdays
8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. shopping reserved for 60+ & at-risk guests only
Contact Brooke Hagerty: brooke@thefoodchick.biz
COVID-19 Procedures:
-8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. shopping is reserved for 60+ and at-risk guest shopping only
-All patrons must wear a face covering
-Vendors are required to wear face coverings and gloves
-Vendors will be spaced 12 feet apart
-No touch policy in effect
-No personal shopping bags are allowed at this time
-No sampling
-Market capacity will be limited to 50 patrons at a time
-Hand washing and sanitizing stations will be available at the market entrance
-Market traffic will have an outlined flow. Please follow the directions
-Volunteers will be available to help those in need
To view the Downtown Westminster Farmers Market webpage dedicated to vendor and customer COVID-19 safety please click here.
Carroll Hospital Farmers Market
Carroll Hospital Campus
200 Memorial Avenue, Westminster
July 2 – September 17
11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursdays
Contact Lexi Gaither: 410-871-6472
COVID-19 Procedures:
All vendors and shoppers must wear face masks at the market site and follow social distancing guidelines.
Carroll County Farmers Market
700 Ag Center Drive, Westminster
June 13 – September 5 • 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays
October 3 • 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
November 7 – December 19 • 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays
COVID-19 Procedures:
-Customers & Vendors must wear protective face coverings at all times
-Shoppers must social distance 6 feet apart while shopping and waiting in line
-Please obey directional shopping signs and spacing lines on floor
-Please do not touch products, vendors will package/hand items to you
-Please be patient—this is new to all of us
-Please limit socializing
-No sampling will be allowed
-Purchased prepared foods must be taken off grounds for consumption
-Please pre-order when possible—see website for list of participating vendors
To view the Carroll County Farmers Market webpage guidelines dedicated to vendor and customer COVID-19 safety please click here.
If you would prefer to view this information in PDF form please click here: 2020 Farmers Market Covid Updates July